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Could not launch “APP_NAME”, process launch failed: Security

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After switching to Xcode 6 and the iOS8 SDK I was confronted with a strange error message when trying to test my app on a device. The app was built and deployed to the device but Xcode did not run it. Instead it showed an alert with the following error message:

Could not launch "APP_NAME", process launch failed: Security

The only thing you can do is to press “OK”, but the app still does not run. When you try to run it again from Xcode you just get the same alert.

The solution to this problem is quite simple:

  1. Run the App from Xcode
  2. When the alert shows, press “OK”
  3. Open the app on the device
  4. An alert will be shown, asking you if you want to trust this app. Press “Trust”.

Now you should be able to run the app from Xcode.